President's Address

Hello and welcome to the Australian Goldwing Association. The AGA is a group of like minded Goldwing enthusiast from Australia and New Zealand who come together monthly for rides and functions. We also come together once a year for an annual event we call the Annual General Meeting which is held once a year at various locations around Australia.
I joined the AGA in 2007 and have held the positions of Area Rep in the ACT and ST Chapter, Quartermaster for a couple of years and Area Rep in the Riverina Chapter. I took on the Presidents position at the AGA AGM held at Stanthorpe in Qld in 2023.
I live on a farm 50km North East of Wagga Wagga in NSW, and although I am retired, I help out my brother and his son as required. The busiest time for me on the farm is during the main shearing in July, and harvest in November and December.
Take a look around our website and get to know us, hopefully we will see you as a member and in person soon.
President, Lewis Furner
Like us on the AGA Facebook page
0429 324 426.